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Portraits of Hope

In 1995, Ed Massey and Bernie Massey founded Portraits of Hope, continuing their utilization of art and poignant visual imagery for large-scale projects of social consequence.

Developed initially for seriously ill and physically disabled children, the 501 (c)(3) program conceives and develops one-of-a-kind motivational art projects that merge the production of dynamic public art works with creative therapy for hospitalized children and civic education for students of all ages.

Portraits of Hope projects have involved tens of thousands of youth and adults in high-profile civic collaborations that have visually and spectacularly transformed everything from airplanes, buildings, and the New York City taxi fleet to blimps, tugboats, and NASCAR racecars.

To date, more than 800 hospitals, schools, after-school programs, and social service agencies have directly participated in Portraits of Hope projects and programmatic activities in addition to a wide array of adult community groups.

The majority of youth served by Portraits of Hope regularly face socio-economic and/or physical or medical challenges. For them and for all involved, the project culminations provide a tangible civic achievement and an opportunity to point with pride and say, “I did that.”

And in the course through their participation in the program, the youngsters learn about important social and community issues, the power of teamwork, and their ability to achieve.

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